Guitar…here comes Will!

Will, one of my squirts, was born without his left forearm.  He is an amazing little fellow.  There is very little that he can’t do.  He climbs trees, plays basketball, rides bikes, etc.  There is not a day that goes by where I don’t close my eyes and say a little prayer for him.  He scares me to death!  You name it he can do it.  His main frustration was music.   He really was getting bummed because all the instruments that the older ones play require two hands.  He really felt there was nothing he could do.  It was a major source of worry for him.

Well, never underestimate the power of a determined mom.  I did a search.  I gasped at the cost a prosthetic.  My goodness he’s seven years old.  I just wasn’t ready to put a lot of money into music until I knew he was really interested.  I have been down that rabbit hole before.  I knuckled down and turned to my good friend google.   I found something called a “Shark Tooth Crossover Pick”.  I was made for the thumb but looked like it could be modified.  I emailed the company and was delighted to hear they would give it a try.  Here is a link to their website if you want to check it the company out.  Their web address is

Will got his modified pick today and he is in heaven.  Daddy had to do a little tweaking and it worked perfectly.  He is delighted and now planning on hitting his oldest brother up for guitar lessons.  He also has his eye on a small guitar that used to belong to his Uncle Rick.  I think with a little sweet talking, Aaron will let him have it.

Here is Will happily strumming away.  He finally can strum one string at a time.

As a side note, he must be delighted with it.  His daddy was looking at and put it up, but not in the designated spot.  Will couldn’t find it.  I thought he was going to panic.  Luckily, before he got to worked up, daddy was able to tell him where it was.  This was a major milestone because before this he has been unwilling even to consider a prosthetic.  In fact, it took me one year for him to finally consider using this one.  I had to use all my mommy power of persuasions, and it finally paid off.

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3 Responses to Guitar…here comes Will!

  1. Cathy G says:

    This photo has been a hit with everyone I’ve shown it to. They love it and they love Will’s determination and your tenacity. Way to go Will!

  2. Cathy G says:

    Holly- I love this photo of Will so much. While looking at it yet again I had a great idea: may I suggest you send it on to the Shark Tooth Crossover Pick people?! I think they would really appreciate seeing how their work is being used. It can help the next person that needs it. It is a great idea and I commend you all for seeing to it.

  3. I did. He was even able to give us a tip on how to position it. They were great to work with.

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